That question, unfortunately, is next-to-impossible to answer — even for an attorney — without knowing the numerous particulars of your case, including the amount of money at stake and the reasons for the conflict. Litigation is generally regarded as the last resort when trying to resolve a legal dispute, but it can be a good last resort if you have a problem that you can't resolve any other way. Some common Read More
Have You Received a Demand Letter? Here’s What to Do Next
A demand letter is a common tool used by individuals and companies to encourage another party to take a specific action. Usually, this is for the purpose of obtaining a payment, but it can be used for other things as well. This type of letter may come from a person or company, but more often it will come from a law firm or legal service on their behalf. While these letters often have the appearance of a legal Read More
Minor Disagreement or Major Problem?: 6 Signs Your Business Dispute May be Headed for Litigation
Informal negotiation can resolve the vast majority of business disputes. However, some conflicts will inevitably lead to litigation. Disputes bound for litigation often have similar attributes—that means that you can sometimes predict which business disagreements will end up in the courtroom. Often, business disputes headed toward litigation will have the following characteristics: Communication Read More
To Sue or Not to Sue: 4 Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Business Lawsuit
When a relationship falls apart or there has been a breach of contract, it’s tempting to want to identify legal remedies immediately. This is what might lead you to consider litigation. Before you commit to that, though, you need to think carefully about both the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a lawsuit. Simply put, litigation is not always the best solution. Can I Win This Case? Without speaking to Read More
Unbundled Legal Services: What’s In It for Me?
Unbundled legal services come in all flavors. Most lawyers offer full service or a full slate of legal services, so if you purchase their services you have to buy the whole kit and caboodle. Well, now another option is becoming much more prevalent, unbundled legal services. Unbundled legal services really means you can purchase just a certain piece of a specific legal service and can be used in multiple Read More
How to Answer a Lawsuit
The answer to how to answer a lawsuit may not be at the top of your mind until one day when you're minding your store as the owner of your business and someone you've never seen before walks in and hands you and envelope saying, "You've been served.” You open the envelope and see a summons and a complaint with your company’s name in the spot for “defendant.” You have been sued. Now what? Now you have to find out how Read More
How To Find An Attorney To Represent Your Small Business When You Have Been Sued
How to Find an Attorney Of course, as a small business owner one of the relationships you should form early on is one with a small business attorney. But, if you need to figure out how to find an attorney, then you can follow one or more of these steps: 1. Ask Around. You can ask for recommendations from (1) other business owners; (2) professionals, such as your insurance broker, accountants, bankers and others Read More