If You Are Lacking the Proper Business Entity You May Be At Risk

Why operate your small business under the proper business entity?  In short, it depends.  It depends on your goals and those of your small business, but don't worry, when you work with the right business lawyer, all that will be fleshed out with you.  You should note that the best entity for you and your company may be different than the entity recommended to one of your competitors or someone else in your line of Read More

Why Might I Need a California Limited Liability Partnership or LLP?

A California Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a form of partnership that, in California, can only be used by certain licensed professionals, specifically doctors, lawyers and architects. Registration Before registering a Limited Liability Partnership, with the California Secretary of State, you should be sure that no other Limited Liability Partnerships by the same name exist in California.  After you have Read More