Usually you do not need a small business attorney for your small business. However, some situations present themselves which probably lend themselves to finding a small business attorney. Some times you may be looking for a small business attorney include: Your Company or You Are Sued That's not too hard. Although you can usually represent yourself in court and do not need to hire a small business attorney Read More
Small Business Attorney: Why You May Need One
Many small business owners and entrepreneurs may want to have a small business attorney on tap rather than try to do it yourself when it comes to legal work. Of course, I agree, there is no shortage of information offered on the internet to do your legal work yourself. The problem I see is that my clients who come to me after they get into some sort of bind have used the do-it-yourself method instead of using a Read More
What is Small Business?
"What is small business?" is an often asked question. The Small Business Administration defines small in terms of average number of employees over a period of time and "average annual receipts." But to determine whether your small entity qualifies under their parameters, you need to make several assessments to get there, actually you almost need a flow chart. No wonder everyone has their own answer to the Read More