Best Small Business to Start Up

Ever wondered how to start the best small business?  I often wonder what is the most successful.  Being a small business lawyer, I see many types of small businesses and listen to many different small business ideas, but the best small business can vary widely depending on where you are, both physically and in your life, what your likes and dislikes are, are many other considerations.  Of course, every year several magazines come out with the best small business ideas or the best small business to set your eyes on this year, but how can we know we will be successful?

According to Inc. Magazine some of the best small business industries to consider are:

Candy – Now that is a sweet treat, but do you really want to spend your days arm deep in the sweet stuff?

iPhone Apps – Now, that is a complete surprise!  Not!  If you can come up with a new or inventive way to track something, an iPhone App would be great.  Sometimes all it takes is a good idea.  The good thing about an iPhone App is the relatively low barriers to entry.  if you know how to create an app, you can virtually do it for free.

Health Care Technology – In the day of digitalizing everything, why not digitalize health care records, too?

Yoga Products and Services – I cannot believe how yoga has taken off as a mainstream form of exercise, but it has and it can be quite relaxing and strenuous.  If you are interested in yoga, something along the yoga lines might be a good bet for you.

Self Improvement – The number of different things you could offer in this space are only limited by what you can think of, you could offer motivational speaking, life coaching, some kind of product, or something else you can come up with.

That is only a small sampling of ideas for the best small business.  Of course, you are only limited by your mind and what you can come up with.  But know that whatever you choose to do, your best small business will not be your neighbor’s idea of the best small business.  In order to really succeed in whatever business you choose, you will need to have a keen interest in it.

If you have questions about how to start a business, Integrated General Counsel can help you determine your next steps.  If you are ready for a results-driven plan of action, contact us either by telephone at (925) 399-1529, schedule yourself into our calendar for an appointment at a time convenient for you, or complete the Contact Kristen form and we will get back to you.


Integrated General Counsel